Couple holding each other while showing off an engagement ring.

Hey friend!

I’m comin’ at ya with two things you should consider before your proposal! I just wanted to share a couple tips with you that I think might help you out.

First things first…congratulations on taking a huge step in your relationship. This can be scary and nerve-wracking just as much as it can be exciting! Whether you’re just starting to think about proposing, or you’re about to drop down onto one knee next week, I think these couple of tips will help you out.

Let’s get started!

Couple smiling and hugging after their proposal.
Couple popping champagne to celebrate their engagement.

1) Asking Your Partner’s Parents Before Proposing

Now, you might not be the type to think you need to ask “permission” from your partner’s parents to propose, but I still think you should include them in the process and let them know that you are going to propose.

Overall, I think it’s a courtesy and respect thing! It’s better to be safe than sorry in terms of people being upset afterwards if you didn’t think to ask “permission” or “her hand in marriage”.

2) How Intimate is your Proposal?

You might have thought about where you want to propose, but have you thought about how public or private it will be?

Do you want a lot of people around or do you want it to be more secluded?

Are you wanting lots of friends or family around? What about strangers?

If you’re proposing in a public setting, keep in mind that there are probably gonna be people passing by or standing around watching. If you or your partner get nervous about being the center of attention, you might want to consider a more private setting!

Some people may choose to propose somewhere that is visually public, but still far enough away that strangers or even invited guests can’t necessarily hear everything you’re saying.

I hope this helps, friend!

Want more proposal and engagement resources? Click here to download my FREE Proposal guide, 5 Tips for the Perfect Proposal!

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